The franchise is a mobile business named "Little Medical School" that conducts after school and/or summer camp programs featuring medical-themed projects that teach medicine, science and the benefits of good health for children ages four to fourteen years old. The business uses proprietary curriculum to teach children the world of medicine by incorporating multi-sensory learning methods and interactive activities, under the name "Little Medical School. " The Initial Franchise Fee for a Standard Model is $19, 500 with protected rights to operate in a specific area defined by us. The Initial Franchise Fee for a Mini-Model is $11, 500 with protected rights to operate in a specific area defined by us.
CEO - Mary Mason
+1 (314) 279-1948
707 N. New Ballas RoadSt. Louis, Missouri 63141
Year Founded - 2014
Primary Contact - Dr. Mary Mason, President
Total Franchisees - 39